ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

U.S. Navy

The U.S. Navy is like a big group of people who work together to make sure our country is safe on the water.

You know how when you go swimming in the pool, grown-ups are always watching you and making sure you're safe? It's like that, but on a much bigger scale. The U.S. Navy looks after the sea and makes sure we're safe from bad guys who might try to attack us from the water.

There are lots of different people in the Navy who have different jobs. Some people drive boats, some people fix broken machines and some people fly planes. They work together to make sure everything is working properly.

Sometimes the Navy has to go to faraway places to help out other countries or to stop bad guys who are causing trouble. They go on big ships that can stay at sea for a really long time and they bring everything they need with them, like food, water and medicine.

The U.S. Navy is very important because they help keep us safe and make sure we can travel by sea without any problems.