ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

U.S. list of most-wanted Iraqis

Okay, imagine there is a big game of hide and seek happening. But instead of kids playing, it's some very important grown-ups who are trying to find some other grown-ups who they think did some really bad things.

The grown-ups who are doing the searching made a list of the grown-ups they want to find and put that list out for everyone to see. They want everyone to help them look for these grown-ups so they can bring them to justice for the bad things they did.

The grown-ups they are looking for are from a place far away called Iraq and they did some really bad things like hurting other people and causing trouble. The grown-ups doing the searching want to bring them to a court so they can be punished for what they did, but they can't find them on their own. So they made this list and they hope that everyone can help them find them.

The list is like a really important job for the grown-ups doing the searching and they are counting on everyone to help them finish the game of hide and seek so they can find the bad grown-ups and make sure justice is served.