ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

UI data binding

UI data binding is like having a toy car that can be controlled using a remote. The toy car is the user interface (UI) and the remote is the data source. The remote sends signals to the toy car, telling it where to go and what to do.

In the same way, UI data binding connects the UI elements, like buttons, texts, and input forms, to a data source, like a database or API. The data source sends information to the UI, such as the text to be displayed in a label or the value to be entered in a text box. The UI elements then update themselves automatically based on this information, just like the toy car moves according to the signals from the remote.

This connection between the UI and the data source is bidirectional, meaning that changes made to the UI elements are also reflected in the data source. For instance, if a user enters a new value in a text box, the data source is updated with this value. This allows the UI and data source to stay in sync with each other.

UI data binding simplifies the process of developing applications, as it eliminates the need for manual updates and ensures that the UI and data source are always consistent. It also enables more complex and dynamic applications which respond automatically to changes in the data source.