ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

UWA Telerobot

Okay kiddo, so a UWA telerobot is like a special kind of robot that can be operated from far away. It's like having a toy car that you can control with a remote, but instead of a car, it's a robot!

So some people might use this robot to explore places that are really far away or hard to reach. The robot has a camera attached to it so that the person controlling it from far away can see what the robot sees.

It's like having your own pair of robot eyes that you can move around and look at different things. This can be really helpful for scientists who want to explore the deep sea or even outer space.

The UWA telerobot is really advanced and can do lots of things like grab objects, move around obstacles and even take measurements. It's like having a really helpful robot friend that can do all sorts of cool things, but you get to control it!