ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ugly duckling theorem

Have you ever seen a baby bird that did not look like its siblings or its parents? It could be because it is an ugly duckling! The ugly duckling theorem is a math concept that says that sometimes a shape or object might look different from others around it, but it can still be part of the same big family.

Think about it like this - you might have a bunch of shapes that all have four sides and look the same, but then there's one that has five sides and looks a little different. Even though it doesn't look the same as the others, it's still a polygon (which is just a fancy math word for a shape with multiple sides). And just like how even though the ugly duckling didn't look like the other ducklings, it still grew up to be a beautiful swan, that shape with five sides is still a polygon.

So, the ugly duckling theorem is just a fancy way of saying that even if something looks different, it can still fit into the same group as other things that look alike. And that's a really important idea in math and in life - everyone is unique and different, but we can all still be part of the same family or group.