Imagine you and your friend are playing a game and you make a rule that says you get to have all the candy at the end of the game no matter who wins. That's not fair, right? It's like you're cheating!
The Unfair Contract Terms Act is a bit like a rule book that stops grown-ups from cheating each other when they make contracts. A contract is a promise between two people to do something or give something to each other.
The act tells grown-ups that they can't put really unfair things in their contracts. For example, if you were buying a toy from a shop, and the contract said that if the toy breaks within a week, it's your fault and you have to pay for it, even if it wasn't your fault, that's not fair. That's like the shop saying, "Hey, I'm not responsible for what I sell you, even if it's broken!"
That's not right, is it? So the act stops grown-ups from putting things in their contracts that are not fair or reasonable. It's like making sure everyone plays by the rules and nobody cheats.