ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Uniforms and insignia of the Schutzstaffel

Okay kiddo, do you remember when we watched a movie about a group of bad people in Germany called the Nazis during the Second World War? Well, one of the groups that the Nazis had was called the Schutzstaffel, or SS for short.

The SS wore special clothes and badges, which showed that they were part of this group. They wore black trousers and jackets with a white shirt, and a special symbol on their collars that looked like two lightning bolts. This symbol was called the SS runes.

The higher up you were in the SS, the fancier your uniform would be. For example, the SS leader, Heinrich Himmler, wore a long black coat with silver buttons and a silver chain across his chest.

Different badges were also worn by the SS members, which showed what job they had in the group. Some badges showed that you were a guard, others showed that you were a soldier or an officer. And if you were really important, you might have a special badge with a skull and crossbones on it.

So that's basically it, honey. The SS had special clothes and badges to show that they were part of this special group. But it's important to remember that the things they did were very, very bad and hurt a lot of people.