ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Unit cohesion in the United States military

Okay kiddo, let me explain what unit cohesion means in the military.

Imagine you're playing a game of tag with your friends. You want to make sure you all work together to catch all the other players. You don't want anyone running off on their own or not listening to the plan. You want everyone to trust each other and communicate well so you can win the game.

In the military, unit cohesion is like playing that game of tag, but in a much more serious way. It means that everyone in a group, called a unit, needs to work together like a team. They need to trust each other and watch each other's backs to make sure they all stay safe and complete their mission successfully.

Just like in the game of tag, if one person in the military doesn't listen to the plans or doesn't work well with others, it can put everyone in danger. That's why it's important for all soldiers to trust each other and work well together.

Unit cohesion doesn't just happen magically though. It takes practice and training to build trust and communication between soldiers. They also need to feel like they are part of a team and that they all have an important role to play. This is why military units often do team-building exercises and work together on different tasks.

Overall, unit cohesion means that everyone in the military unit works together like a team, trusts each other, and communicates well to complete their mission and stay safe. Just like playing a game of tag with your friends, everyone needs to work together to win.