The United Nations is like a big club where different countries get together to talk about important things. One of the most important things they talk about is how to keep everyone safe and happy. The United Nations Security Council is a group of countries who are in charge of making decisions about security. They have a special power to make rules called resolutions.
A few years ago, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) made a very important decision called Resolution 1747. This resolution was created to make sure that a certain country called Iran was following the rules about making things that could be used as weapons (like bombs). The UNSC was worried that Iran might be breaking the rules, and that could make things dangerous for everyone.
So, the UNSC made a list of things that Iran was not allowed to buy or make anymore. This is like when your parents tell you that you can't have a certain toy because it could be dangerous or when your teacher tells you that you can't bring a certain game to school because it could hurt someone.
Some of the things on the list were things that could be used to make bombs, like nuclear materials. Other things on the list were things that Iran wanted to buy to make their country better, like fancy cars or airplanes. But the UNSC said they couldn't buy those things because they were worried that Iran might use them to make weapons.
Resolution 1747 was very important because it helped keep everyone safe by stopping Iran from making weapons that could hurt people. It's like when you and your friends make a rule to not play with certain things so that nobody gets hurt. The United Nations Security Council works very hard to make these kinds of rules to keep everyone safe and happy.