ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

United States Army

The United States Army is a group of special people who work together to protect and serve our country. They wear special uniforms and carry special weapons to help keep us safe.

Just like when you play with your friends, the United States Army has different jobs for each person. Some people drive big trucks or fly helicopters, while others work on computers and help plan things. They all work together, though, like a big puzzle to get things done and keep us safe.

Sometimes bad people or other countries might try to hurt our country or our friends, and that's when the Army comes in to help. They use their special skills and training to protect us and make sure we stay safe.

Even though the Army is made up of tough and strong people, they are also very kind and caring. They want to make sure that everyone is safe and happy, and they work very hard every day to do that job.