ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

United States Conference of Mayors

The United States Conference of Mayors is like a club for the leaders of cities in America. Just like how you might have a club with your friends where you all have something in common, like liking unicorns or playing with Lego blocks, mayors join this club because they all lead different cities across the country.

In this club, the mayors talk to each other and share ideas about how to make their cities better. They might talk about things like how to get rid of litter on the streets, how to make sure people can find jobs, or how to keep people safe.

The mayors might also lobby, which is a fancy word for trying to persuade important people to do things they think are important. When mayors lobby, they work together to ask the people who make laws and decisions in the government to do things that they think will help their cities.

So, just like how being in a club with your friends can give you new ideas and ways to do things, being in the United States Conference of Mayors can help mayors make their cities better by sharing ideas and working together to make changes.