ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

United States Marine Corps

The United States Marine Corps is kind of like a big group of superheroes who work for the government to protect our country. They are a special branch of the military that are trained to be really tough and strong so they can handle all sorts of challenges.

Just like superheroes have their own special costumes or uniforms, the marines wear a special outfit called a "dress blues" when they're on their best behavior. They might wear a different outfit called a "camouflage" when they're out doing tough jobs in the wild.

One of the most important things the marines do is protect our country from bad guys who might want to do us harm. They might be sent overseas to fight in a war, or they might stay here in America to help with things like natural disasters, where they can use their special skills to help people who are in trouble.

The Marines also have a special code that they follow, called the Marine Corps Values. This code helps guide them to be brave, honest, and show respect to others. And when marines come home from their jobs, they are celebrated and honored for their service by their families and communities.