ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

United States Postal Service

The United States Postal Service (USPS) is a big group of people who help send letters and packages from one place to another all over the United States. They wear uniforms that make them easy to spot and drive special trucks called mail trucks.

Whenever you want to send a letter or package to someone, you need to put it in an envelope or box and put an address on it telling the USPS where you want it to go. You also need to put a stamp on it, which is like a little sticker that shows you paid for the shipping.

When you drop your letter or package off at a post office, a nice person at the counter weighs it and makes sure you put enough stamps on it. If you don't, they will help you add more or charge you the difference.

After that, the USPS sorts your letter or package with all the other mail going in the same direction. This is like putting mail into different categories like "Letters to California" or "Packages to New York."

Once the mail is sorted, it gets loaded onto mail trucks and airplanes and sent to its destination. This can sometimes take a few days or even a week depending on how far the mail has to go.

When your letter or package arrives at its destination, another group of USPS people sorts it and delivers it to the person it's addressed to. They do this by driving to the person's house or place of work and putting it in their mailbox or handing it to them in person.

That is how the United States Postal Service works to help you send letters and packages to your friends and family all across the country!