ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

United States congressional hearing

Okay kiddo, so a United States Congressional Hearing is when people who make really important decisions for our country, called members of Congress, get together to talk about a specific topic. They invite experts and people who know a lot about the topic to come and talk to them and answer their questions.

It's kind of like when your teacher invites a guest speaker to talk to your class about something you're learning in school.

During the hearing, the members of Congress ask the guests questions to learn as much as they can about the topic. They might ask questions like "why is this issue important?" or "what can we do to make things better?".

Sometimes, the hearing is televised so that people all over the country can watch and learn about what's going on. This way, everyone can hear from the experts and opinions can be formed based on the information presented.

The goal of the hearing is to help the members of Congress make decisions and create laws that will help our country – and all of us who live here – be safe and happy.