ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

United States general surveillance radar stations

Okay kiddo, imagine that the United States wants to keep an eye on the sky to make sure no bad guys are flying over our country.

To do that, they built lots of special stations that have really cool machines called radar. Radar is like a giant eye that sends out invisible waves that bounce off anything in the sky, like planes or helicopters. When the waves come back, the radar machine can see where the object is and how fast it's moving.

The radar stations are placed in different parts of the country, like on top of mountains or in big fields, so they can see everything that's happening in the sky. Some of them even have special cameras that take pictures so we can see what the planes look like.

All of these radar stations are run by special people called the Air Force. They work hard to make sure our skies are safe and no bad guys get through unnoticed. Isn't that neat, kiddo?