ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

United States v. Swartz

Okay, kiddo, let me try to explain this.

So, there was a man named Aaron Swartz, and he was really smart with computers. He did a lot of cool things like help create Reddit, which is a website where people can find interesting things to read or look at.

But one day, he did something that some people thought was wrong. He went to a website that had a bunch of scientific articles on it, and he downloaded a lot of them without paying for them. This made some people really mad because they thought he was stealing.

The people who ran the website called the police and Aaron was arrested. He was charged with some pretty serious crimes, like breaking into a computer and stealing things. He was looking at a long time in jail if he was found guilty.

But there were also a lot of people who thought that what Aaron did wasn't really that bad. They thought that scientific articles should be available to everyone, not just people who could afford to pay for them.

So, there was a big trial, called United States v. Swartz, where the government and Aaron's lawyers argued about whether or not what he did was really a crime. In the end, Aaron decided to end the trial by taking his own life, which was very sad.

After that, some people started talking about how our laws are changing so fast with technology that maybe we need to stop and think about what's really important. And some people still think that scientific articles should be available to everyone, so that everyone can learn new things and make the world a better place.