ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

United States–Vietnam relations

Okay kiddo, United States–Vietnam relations is a topic about how two countries, the United States and Vietnam, get along with each other.

Do you remember learning about the Vietnam War? It was a long time ago, when our grandparents were young, and soldiers from the United States went to fight in Vietnam. Many people were hurt and killed during that war, and it was a very sad time for both countries.

For many years after the war, the United States and Vietnam had a difficult relationship because of the things that happened. But over time, both countries started talking to each other. They began to understand each other and work together on different things, like trade and education.

Nowadays, the United States and Vietnam are friends. They visit each other's countries, trade goods with each other, and have diplomatic relationships. Sometimes they still disagree on some things, but they try to talk and find a solution together.

So, the United States and Vietnam used to have a difficult past because of the Vietnam War, but now they are working together to be friends.