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Unobtrusive JavaScript

Unobtrusive JavaScript is a way of writing JavaScript code that doesn't get in the way of the website's main purpose. Think of a website as a big puzzle; the website's HTML is the framework of the puzzle, and JavaScript is like the glue that holds the pieces together. Unobtrusive JavaScript is a type of glue that doesn't draw attention to itself and doesn't take away from the puzzle's overall picture.

Let's imagine you're playing with LEGOs, and your little brother comes over and starts putting their LEGOs in your pile. It can be annoying because now you have to spend more time sorting and finding your LEGOs. In the same way, JavaScript code that isn't unobtrusive can interfere with the website's main code and cause problems.

When we write unobtrusive JavaScript, we make sure that the code we add to the website isn't intrusive. Instead of directly adding JavaScript code to the website's HTML, we create external JavaScript files that we link to the website. This way, the website's main code can function as it should, while the JavaScript code does its job in the background.

Unobtrusive JavaScript is essential because it helps make websites accessible to people with different needs. For example, let's say you're blind, and you're trying to use a website with a screen reader. If the JavaScript code added to the website clashes with the screen reader's code, the website could become unusable. With unobtrusive JavaScript, we ensure that the website is accessible to everyone, regardless of what device they're using.

Overall, unobtrusive JavaScript is a way of making sure that our code works with the website's main code instead of interfering with it. It helps create websites that are user-friendly, accessible, and overall provide a better experience for everyone.