ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Unsharp masking

Unsharp masking is like putting makeup on a photo to make it look better. It is a way to make a picture sharper and more defined.

When you take a picture, the edges of objects sometimes look blurry. Unsharp masking makes those blurry edges look sharper by adding a contrast line around them.

Imagine you draw a picture of a banana. You color the banana yellow, but the edges look fuzzy. To unsharp mask the edges, you would take a darker yellow crayon and trace around the edges of the banana. This makes the banana look sharper and more defined, just like in a photograph.

Unsharp masking is a common tool used by photographers and graphic designers to enhance their images and make them look better. So next time you see a sharp and crisp photo, you can remember that unsharp masking might have been used to make it look that way!
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