ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ural-Siberian method

The Ural-Siberian method is a way that people in Russia used to catch fish!

So, imagine you want to catch a fish. You can't just jump into the water and grab it because fish are really fast and can swim away quickly. So, what do you do?

Well, the Ural-Siberian method uses a few different things to catch fish. First, you need a special net called a "seine" net. This net is really long and wide, sort of like a big rectangle.

Next, you need to find a river or stream where there are fish. When you find a good spot, you stretch out the seine net across the river or stream, so that it creates a big wall of netting in the water.

But you can't just leave the net there and wait for a fish to swim into it. No, you need to make the fish move in a certain direction. So, one person starts at one end of the net with a stick and splashes the water rapidly with it. This makes noise and vibration in the water which scares the fish and makes them swim towards the other end of the net.

As the fish swim towards the other end of the net, another person is waiting there with a special stick called a "bunchuk". The bunchuk is made of wood and has little hooks on it. The person uses the bunchuk to scoop up the fish and put them into a basket or onto the shore.

Using the Ural-Siberian method, people in Russia were able to catch a lot of fish at once! It was a very clever way to fish and helped people to have enough food to eat.