ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Usage-based insurance

Usage-based insurance is like a special kind of car insurance that uses technology to help you save money on your car insurance.

So, imagine you have a special device called a telematics device installed in your car. This device collects information about how you drive, like how fast you go, how often you brake, and how sharp you turn.

Then, based on this information, your insurance company decides how much you should pay for your car insurance. If you're a safe driver and don't speed or make sudden stops, you could end up paying less for your car insurance!

It's kind of like a game. If you drive carefully, you could save money. But if you drive recklessly, you could end up paying more.

This type of car insurance can be a good option for people who don't drive very often or who are very cautious on the road. It's also good for parents who want to keep an eye on their teenage drivers and make sure they're driving safely.

So, in a nutshell, usage-based insurance is a special type of car insurance that rewards safe driving by collecting data about how you drive and then adjusting your insurance premium accordingly.