ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ut unum sint

Okay, so "ut unum sint" is a Latin phrase that means "that they may be one."

It's actually a really important idea in Christianity, because it's all about trying to bring people together and make them united, even if they might believe slightly different things or come from different backgrounds.

Basically, it's like when you're playing with your friends and you're all trying to build a big sandcastle together. Some of your friends might like to build up high towers, while others might like to make little moats around the castle. But even if you all have slightly different ideas, you can still work together to make something really awesome.

"Ut unum sint" is kind of like that - it's about trying to find the things that bring people together, even when they might seem different on the surface. Maybe they all love God, or they all want to help people who are struggling, or they all like singing in church. Whatever it is, if they can find those common things, they can work together to make the world a better place.

So that's "ut unum sint" - a fancy Latin phrase that means "that they may be one." It's all about finding ways to bring different people and beliefs together and work towards a common goal.
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