ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Dear little one,

Let me tell you about VXI! VXI is a type of technology that makes it possible for people to talk to each other over the phone or computer.

Imagine you and your friend wanted to talk to each other, but you live far away from each other. You could use VXI technology to do this.

What happens when you talk on the phone is that you are sending little bits of sound called audio. With VXI, these audio bits are changed into digital signals that can be sent over the internet. The digital signals are then delivered to your friend's phone or computer where they are changed back into audio so your friend can hear you!

VXI technology is really good at making sure that these audio bits are getting to your friend's phone or computer quickly and clearly. This helps to make sure that you can hear each other well and that there's not too much delay or lag time in your conversation.

So that's what VXI is! It's a really cool technology that lets us talk to our friends and family no matter where they are in the world.