ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Vaccine hesitancy

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes you get sick with a cold or the flu, and your mom or dad takes you to the doctor to get a medicine that will help you feel better? Well, some grown-ups have made special medicines called vaccines that help stop people from getting really sick with diseases like measles, chickenpox, and the flu.

But some grown-ups are scared of getting vaccines because they think they might make them sick or cause other problems. This is called vaccine hesitancy. It's like when you're scared to try a new food because you're not sure if you'll like it or if it will make your tummy hurt.

But just like how your mom or dad might explain to you why it's important to eat healthy foods, doctors and scientists have explained why it's important to get vaccines. They say that vaccines are very safe and that they help protect not just you, but also other people from getting sick.

It's kind of like how when you wash your hands, you're not just keeping yourself clean, you're also helping to keep other people from getting sick by getting rid of germs. So when grown-ups get vaccines, they're not just protecting themselves, they're also helping to protect other people who might be more likely to get really sick if they catch a disease.

So while it's okay to feel a little scared or unsure about new things, it's important to listen to what the doctors and scientists say about vaccines and trust that they are trying to keep everyone healthy and safe. Just like how your parents make sure you have everything you need to be healthy and happy.