ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Valle de los Ingenios

Okay, imagine you're playing with toy cars and you have a big toy city with lots of buildings and roads. Now, imagine a long time ago in a place called Cuba, people built a big city too, but instead of toy cars, they had horses and carts that were pulled by them. This city was called Valle de los Ingenios, which means "valley of the sugar mills".

The people who lived in Valle de los Ingenios grew a lot of sugarcane. Sugarcane is tall like grass and has a sweet juice inside that can be used to make sugar. They used horses and carts to take the sugarcane to the big mills where they crushed it to get the juice out. This juice was then boiled and turned into sugar. The sugar was sold to people who needed it to sweeten their food, like we use sugar today.

Valle de los Ingenios was a very important place in Cuba in the olden days because it had a lot of sugarcane farms and sugar mills. The people who lived and worked there were called slaves, and they didn't get paid for all their hard work. They were treated very badly and could not leave their jobs. This was very unfair and wrong, but thankfully, today we don't have slavery anymore.

Now, Valle de los Ingenios is a historical site where people can learn about how sugar was made a long time ago and what life was like for the people who lived and worked there. It's a special place that helps us remember our past and learn from it.