ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Vector lattice

Okay, so imagine you have a very large room and you want to make a picture using only different colors of balloons. Now, each balloon has a specific color and you can tie them together to create a big bunch of balloons. This bunch is called a vector.

A vector lattice is like a really big collection of these balloon bunches called vectors. But instead of just colors, each vector can have different properties like direction, speed, and distance.

Now, imagine that you have to organize all of these vectors in a very neat and tidy way. This is where the lattice part comes in. A lattice is like a fancy grid where we can organize and label all of our vectors so that they make sense and are easy to find.

So, a vector lattice is just a fancy way of organizing and labeling a bunch of vectors with different properties. It's kind of like a big balloon party, but instead of just colors, we have different properties and we use a grid to keep everything organized.