ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Vermiponics is a system where plants are grown using worms to make soil healthier.

Now, you might be thinking, "Ew, why would we want worms in our plants?" But don't worry, these aren't just any worms! They're called red wigglers, and they help make a special type of soil called vermicompost.

Vermicompost is made by worms eating and breaking down things like food scraps and paper. Then, the worms poop out a special kind of soil that is perfect for plants to grow in. It has lots of nutrients and good bacteria that help the plants grow big and healthy.

In a vermiponics system, the vermicompost is put into a bed where the plants can grow. The water that the plants need is also mixed with special nutrients to make sure they have everything they need to grow strong.

The red wigglers are put into this bed too, and they help keep the soil nice and healthy by eating up any extra organic matter (like old plant roots) and turning it into compost.

So, in the end, the plants get everything they need to grow big and healthy, and the worms get a nice place to live and help out. It's a win-win situation!