ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Victoria Memorial, London

So imagine you're playing a game where you have to guess what something is just by looking at it. And someone shows you a really big, fancy palace-looking building with a lot of statues outside. That's the Victoria Memorial in London!

It's a really special place because it was built a long, long time ago to remember and celebrate a Queen named Victoria. She was the Queen of England a really long time ago too, back when people wore fancy dresses and rode horses everywhere.

The Victoria Memorial is really big and has lots of different parts to it. Right in the middle, there's a really tall statue of Queen Victoria herself. She's sitting on a throne and holding a scepter, which is kind of like a fancy stick that helps show she's really important.

Around her, there are lots of other statues that show different things. There are lions, which are really strong and brave animals. There are also some really pretty women who are holding wreaths, which are like fancy flower crowns.

The Victoria Memorial is also really important because it's right in front of a really huge palace where the Queen of England still lives today. Lots of important people go to the Victoria Memorial to remember and celebrate Queen Victoria, and to pay their respects to the Queen who lives in the palace now.

So if you ever go to London, make sure to go see the Victoria Memorial! It's really big and fancy and there's a lot to see and learn about.