ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Video memory

Okay kiddo, so you know how when you watch videos on your computer or tablet, there are all those pictures that show up and move really fast to create the video? Well, those pictures need a special place to be stored so that your device can show them to you when you want to watch the video.

That's where video memory comes in! It's like a special cupboard in your computer or tablet where all the pictures for the videos you watch are kept. The more video memory your device has, the more of those pictures it can store at one time. This is why sometimes when you try to watch a video on a device that doesn't have enough video memory, the video might look really slow or choppy because the device can't show all the pictures fast enough.

Sometimes, people who play video games on their computer need even more video memory because they have really complex and detailed graphics in their games. So, they might get a special type of video memory called a graphics card to help their computer store and show all those pictures really quickly.

So, to sum up, video memory is like a special cupboard where all the pictures for the videos you watch or games you play are stored, and it helps your device show them to you smoothly and quickly.
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