ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Videocassette recorder

A videocassette recorder (VCR) is a machine that can play and record videos. It's like a big box with some buttons and a place to put a tape inside.

When you want to watch a video, you put the tape inside the VCR and press a button to play it. Then the VCR reads the information on the tape and shows it on your TV screen. Just like magic!

But you can also use the VCR to record your own videos. Say you want to record your favorite TV show to watch later. You can connect the VCR to your TV and press the record button while the show is playing. The VCR will then save the show onto the tape.

When you want to watch it later, you just put the tape back into the VCR and press play.

VCRs were super popular before DVDs and streaming services like Netflix came along. It's like an older brother or sister to them but they work kind of the same way!