ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Vine training systems

Vine training systems are ways that farmers guide grapevines to grow in a certain way so that they can produce the best possible grapes for making wine.

Imagine you have a grapevine. It might grow all over the place, with branches going in every direction. But in order for the grapevine to produce good grapes, it needs to be trained to grow in a specific way.

One common way to train grapevines is called the "trellis system". Farmers put up a big frame made of wires or poles, and then they tie the grapevine's branches to the wires so that they grow along the frame. This way, the grapevine is forced to grow straight up instead of all over the place.

Another way to train grapevines is called the "head-trained system". Instead of tying the branches to a frame, farmers let the grapevine grow straight up from the ground, and then they cut it off at a certain height. This makes the grapevine grow out like a bush with lots of branches, which is good for certain kinds of grapes.

There are other training systems, too, like the "Guyot system" and the "cordon system". Each one is a little different, but they all have the same goal: to make sure the grapevine grows in a way that makes delicious grapes.