ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Dear kiddo,

Have you ever heard of viruses? They are tiny little creatures that can make us sick. But have you heard of virusoids? They’re like viruses, but even tinier!

Virusoids are very small particles, made up of just a few molecules. They’re so small, you can’t even see them with a regular microscope! They’re similar to viruses because they also have genetic material inside of them, which helps them make copies of themselves.

But unlike viruses, virusoids can’t make copies of themselves on their own. They need help from larger organisms, like bacteria or plants. When virusoids get inside these organisms, they use the organisms’ machinery to make more of themselves.

Scientists are still learning a lot about virusoids, but they’re very important because they can affect the health of plants, animals, and even humans. So even though virusoids might be small, they’re still very powerful!