ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so let's say you want to go visit your friend who lives in a different country. In order to do that, you need something called a visa. A visa is like a special permission slip that lets you go to that country for a little while.

Now, sometimes it can be hard to know if you're eligible for a visa or not. Maybe you've been to that country before and got in trouble, or maybe you have a health condition that makes it hard to travel. That's where something called Visabio comes in.

Visabio is a company that helps people who want to travel get the right visa for their situation. They ask you some questions about yourself and your travel plans, and then they use that information to figure out which type of visa you need and how to apply for it.

Think of it like asking your mom or dad for help with your homework. They know more than you do about the subject, so they can help you figure it out. Visabio is like your mom or dad, but for visas!

So, if you ever need to travel to another country and you're not sure what visa you need or how to get it, you can ask Visabio for help. They'll give you all the information you need so you can travel safely and smoothly.