ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Voice procedure

Alright kiddo, have you ever talked to someone on the phone or on a walkie-talkie? Of course you have! Almost everyone has. Now, did you notice that when you talk to someone over a walkie-talkie, it's a little different than talking on a regular phone?

That's because when you talk to someone using a walkie-talkie or two-way radio, you need to follow certain rules to make sure the message gets across clearly. This set of rules is known as "voice procedure."

You see, when you speak over a walkie-talkie, you're transmitting your voice through the airwaves. But anyone else could be using those same airwaves, too. So you need to follow certain guidelines to make sure your message comes through clearly and quickly.

Here are a few basic rules of voice procedure that you might follow:

1. Speak clearly and loudly.

When you're talking over a two-way radio, there might be a lot of background noise or interference. So you need to speak clearly and loudly so that the person on the other end can understand you.

2. Use appropriate language.

When you're using voice procedure, you need to use specific words and phrases that are understood by everyone who uses two-way radios. This helps make sure there's no confusion or misunderstandings.

3. Wait for a response.

After you've sent your message over the walkie-talkie, you need to wait for a response from the other person. This ensures that they heard your message and are ready to respond.

4. Keep it short.

When you're talking on a walkie-talkie, you need to keep your messages short and to the point. This helps ensure that your message is transmitted clearly and quickly, without any unnecessary chatter.

And there you have it, kiddo! Voice procedure is just a set of rules that people follow when they're talking over two-way radios, to make sure their messages are clear and easy to understand.