ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Volkseigener Betrieb

A Volkseigener Betrieb (VEB) is a type of company that existed in East Germany before it was reunified with West Germany.

VEBs were owned by the government, which means that the government controlled them and made decisions about what they did and how they did it. The government also decided who worked at these companies, how much they were paid, and what they produced.

This was different from companies in other countries, where the owners were individuals or groups of people who made their own decisions.

VEBs were created to help the government control the economy and make sure that resources were used in a way that helped the country as a whole. However, this also meant that there was less freedom for the people who worked at VEBs, since they had less say in what they did and how they were rewarded for their work.

After reunification, many VEBs were sold to private individuals or companies, or they were shut down.