ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Alright, here we go! Have you ever played with a yo-yo? When you throw the yo-yo down, it spins round and round right? Well, imagine if the yo-yo could shoot out little strings that also spun around really fast. That's kind of what a vorton is like.

A vorton is actually a really tiny particle, smaller than anything you can see with your eyes. It's so small that it's actually made up of energy! When a bunch of these tiny particles come together, they can create a spinning string of energy called a vorton.

Sometimes in space, there are things called cosmic strings. These are also like really long and thin strings made up of energy. When a cosmic string gets close to a vorton, the vorton can attach itself to the cosmic string's path and start spinning around it like a tiny little yo-yo string!

Scientists have been studying vortons and cosmic strings to learn more about how the universe works. It's kind of like a really cool space puzzle that they're trying to solve. By understanding how things like vortons work, we can learn more about how the universe was made and what it's made of.