ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Voter registration campaign

Okay kiddo, so do you know what voting is? It's when adults get to choose who they want to be in charge of important things like schools, roads and hospitals. But in order to be able to vote, you have to register first. Registering means telling the people in charge that you want to vote and giving them some information about yourself like your name and where you live.

A voter registration campaign is when adults who care about voting want to make sure that everyone who is eligible to vote is registered. They do this by setting up tables in public places like schools, malls or community centers where people can come and register to vote. The people running the campaign talk to folks about why it's important to vote and answer any questions they might have about the process.

Sometimes the campaign will go door-to-door in neighborhoods reminding people to register. They might also have events like concerts or cookouts where people can hang out and register to vote at the same time. It's like a big party where everyone who is registered to vote gets to have a say in who gets to run their city or state.

The goal of a voter registration campaign is to make sure that as many people as possible are registered to vote so that everyone's voice can be heard. It's kind of like when we play a game and we want everyone to have a fair chance to win. That's why voter registration campaigns are really important and super helpful to make sure that our democracy is strong!