ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Walk Free Foundation

The Walk Free Foundation is like a big group of grown-ups who want to make sure that all people in the world are free and safe. They want to help people who are trapped in bad situations, like slavery or forced labor.

Do you know what slavery is? It's when someone else takes away your freedom and makes you work really hard for them, without giving you any money or treating you badly. This is not okay, and it's not fair. The Walk Free Foundation wants to make sure that no one has to live like this.

So, they do a lot of different things to help people who have been affected by slavery or forced labor. They talk to important people in governments and businesses, and teach them about why slavery is bad and how they can help stop it.

They also help people who are currently living in slavery or forced labor by providing education and support. They connect people with other organizations that can help them get out of bad situations, and they provide education and training so that people can find new jobs and create a better life for themselves.

The Walk Free Foundation wants to make sure that all people in the world are free and safe, and they work really hard to make this happen. They believe that everyone should have the right to live their life on their own terms, without being controlled by someone else.