ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Walter v Alberta (AG)

Okay kiddo, I'll try to explain this in a way that you can understand. Basically, there was a man named Walter who lives in Alberta and he wanted to grow some plants in his backyard for his own use. But the government of Alberta said no, you can't grow those plants because they are only allowed to be grown by licensed producers.

So Walter took the government to court, and the court had to decide whether it was okay for him to grow those plants or not. It was a really complicated case because there were a lot of laws and regulations involved, and the court had to look at all of them to decide what was right.

In the end, the court decided that Walter had a right to grow those plants for his own use, even though he wasn't a licensed producer. They said that the government's rules were too strict and didn't respect Walter's rights as an individual.

So now, Walter can go ahead and grow his plants without getting into trouble with the government. And this case helps to show that sometimes, individuals can stand up for their rights and win against more powerful organizations like the government.