ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

War of the Camisards

Okay kiddo, so a long time ago in France, some people believed in a religion called Protestantism. But the big boss of France, the king, said everyone had to believe in his religion called Catholicism. This made the Protestants really angry and they didn't want to give up their beliefs.

The Camisards were a group of Protestants who lived in a place called the Cévennes. They didn't like that the king was trying to make them stop believing in their religion. So, they started to fight back. They wore special clothes called camisas that helped them blend into the mountains where they lived.

The king sent a lot of soldiers to try and stop the Camisards from fighting. But the Camisards were very good at hiding and fighting in the mountains, so the soldiers had a hard time finding them.

The war went on for four years, and there were many battles between the Camisards and the soldiers. Eventually, the Camisards were defeated and had to stop fighting.

Today, we remember the Camisards as brave people who stood up for what they believed in, even when it was hard.