ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Warped linear predictive coding

Warped linear predictive coding (or WLPC for short) is a way of making computer programs that can understand and analyze sounds. It's like when you listen to a song, and you try to guess what note is going to come next. WLPC tries to do this too, but instead of guessing the note, it tries to guess what sound will come next.

WLPC works by breaking a sound into tiny slices called "frames." It looks at each frame and tries to figure out what the sound will be like in the next frame. It does this by using a special formula called a "prediction model."

The prediction model tries to guess what the next frame will sound like based on what the previous frames sounded like. To make this prediction, it uses a thing called "linear prediction," which is a fancy math term that means "finding patterns and making guesses based on those patterns."

But sometimes, sounds don't follow a pattern that WLPC can easily understand. That's where "warped" comes in. Warping is like squishing or stretching a sound to make it easier to analyze. It's like looking at a picture through a fish-eye lens. Sometimes it's easier to see the details that way.

So, in summary, warped linear predictive coding is a way of making computer programs that can understand and analyze sounds by breaking them into tiny parts and using fancy math to guess what the next part will sound like. Sometimes it stretches or squishes the sound to make it easier to understand.