ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Washington Post

The "Washington Post" is a type of newspaper. It is printed on paper and people can buy it at stores or read it online. The newspaper has a lot of different sections that talk about different things like news, sports, entertainment, and more.

The "Washington" part of the name comes from the city where it is published, which is called Washington, D.C. This is a special city because it is where the United States government is located, and it has a lot of important buildings like the White House and the Capitol.

The "Post" part of the name refers to when the newspaper was first created a long time ago. Back then, people couldn't just send messages to each other instantly like they can now using phones or computers. Instead, they would write letters to each other and send them through the mail.

Before phones and computers, there were special people called "postmen" who would go around delivering these letters. When the "Washington Post" was created, it was one way for people to get news and information without having to wait for letters or telegrams.

Today, the "Washington Post" is one of the most well-known and respected newspapers in the United States. It has won many awards for its journalism and reporting, which means they do a really good job at finding and sharing important stories with people.