ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Wastewater is the dirty water that comes from our homes and businesses. It's full of things like pee, poop, and soap that we don't want in our drinking water.

When we flush the toilet or take a shower, the wastewater goes down a pipe and gets sent to a special place called a wastewater treatment plant.

At the treatment plant, the water goes through different processes to remove all the yucky stuff. First, screens and filters catch big things like leaves and sticks. Then, the water gets mixed with chemicals and stirred really fast to make the smaller bits of dirt clump together and sink to the bottom.

After that, the water is put into big tanks where helpful bacteria eat up all the tiny bits of dirt and germs. Finally, the cleaned-up water is sent back into rivers or lakes where it can be used again (but not for drinking!).