ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Water of Life (Christianity)

Water of life is a term used in Christianity to describe the spiritual water that brings life and salvation. Imagine you are playing in a hot playground and you get really thirsty. What do you do? You go to the water fountain to drink some water to quench your thirst, right? In this case, water is very important, right? Just like water in the playground, water of life is also very important but in a different way.

In Christianity, water of life is like a special drink that God gives to people who believe in him. It's a drink that makes people feel happy, loved, and forgiven. This drink is not like any other drink, but it's like a special gift from God. It's for people who want to have a good relationship with God and live with him forever.

When someone receives the water of life, they stop feeling like they are missing out on things and feeling empty inside. They become distant from sin and start living a different kind of life. This is because the water of life is very powerful and can change people's lives.

Overall, water of life is like a spiritual drink that gives people eternal life and happiness in God. It's a gift that everyone can receive if they believe in God and trust him.