ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hey kiddo! Have you ever heard of waterstart? No? Well, it's a cool thing that people who love water sports like kitesurfing and windsurfing do.

So, imagine you're out in the water on a board, and you have a big kite or sail that's helping you move. But, here's the tricky part: how do you actually get going? That's where waterstart comes in.

Waterstart is like starting a car. You need to have the kite or sail in the right position and get enough power from it to start moving. But instead of an ignition key, you use some body movements and the power of the wind to make it happen.

First, you lay your body on the board and hold onto the kite or sail. Then, you slowly move the kite or sail into the right position to catch some wind. Once you feel the wind power pick up, you pull on the kite or sail with all your might, and use the movement to get up onto your knees or feet.

It might sound simple, but it takes a lot of practice to get it right. You need to have good balance, body control, and timing to pull it off. But once you do, you'll be gliding along the water like a pro.

So, there you have it. Waterstart is like starting a car, but with a kite or sail and some fancy movements. It's a fun and exciting way to enjoy the water, and a great skill to have if you're into water sports.