ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Waveform monitor

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a heartbeat on a screen or a graph? Well, a waveform monitor is like a special screen that shows the heartbeat of video signals.

Just like a graph shows the ups and downs of a heartbeat, a waveform monitor shows the different levels of brightness and color in a video signal.

It's kind of like looking at a picture of the sun. If you look too closely, it's just a big bright blob. But if you look at it through a special filter, you can see all the different parts and colors of the sun.

A waveform monitor is like that special filter but for video signals. It helps people who work with videos to make sure that the brightness and color settings are just right so that the video looks good on different screens.

So basically, a waveform monitor helps people who make videos to see all the different parts of the video signal and make adjustments to make it look great.