ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Weather hole

Okay kiddo, you know how sometimes the sky has different colors like blue or gray, and sometimes it's sunny and sometimes it's rainy outside? Well, sometimes there's a special thing called a "weather hole" that can happen in the sky.

A weather hole is when there's a spot in the sky where the weather is different than the surrounding area. Kind of like when you're playing with your friends and you all have different toys but one of your friends has a special toy that nobody else has.

When there's a weather hole, it usually means there's a patch of clear, sunny weather surrounded by clouds or stormy weather. It's like a little safe haven of good weather in the middle of a storm.

Scientists study weather holes to try to understand what causes them and how they might affect things like airplane flights or farming. But for us, it's just a cool thing to look at and appreciate the different "toys" the sky has to offer.