ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Web Accessibility Initiative

The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) is a group of superheroes who want to make sure that everyone can use and access the internet, no matter who they are or what disabilities they may have.

Imagine you're playing a game, but you can't see the screen very well. That wouldn't be very fun, right? Or maybe you can't hear the game's music or sound effects. That wouldn't be fair, would it? That's where the WAI comes in. They work hard to make sure that websites, games, and other things on the internet are easy and fair for everyone to use, no matter what.

The WAI fights against things like small text that's hard to read, tricky buttons that are hard to click on, and videos without subtitles or captions for those who can't hear them. They even help make sure that things like text-to-speech software (which reads text aloud) can work properly on websites.

So, think of the WAI as a group of awesome people who care about making sure that everyone can play and have fun together on the internet, no matter what their abilities may be.