ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Web Services Choreography Description Language

Ok kiddo, have you ever played a game where you and your friends have to do certain actions in a certain order to complete a task? That's kinda like what Web Services Choreography Description Language (CDL) does.

CDL helps different "services" (like websites) talk to each other in a certain order. Think of each service as a person who needs to do something to help with a bigger task. In order to work together, they need to know who does what, when they do it, and in what order.

CDL is like a set of instructions that helps everyone know what to do. It tells each service how to communicate with the other services, what to expect as output, and what they should do next.

It's like telling your friends to jump three times, then you jump once, and then they all jump two more times. That's a set order you all have to follow in order to complete that task.

In the same way, CDL helps web services communicate with each other in order to complete a task or process. It makes everything work together like a well-oiled machine!