ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Web of Science

Web of Science is like a big library where people go to find information about different subjects. Imagine that you love butterflies, and you want to learn very specific information about them, like how many wings they have or what they eat. You can go to the library and look for books about butterflies, but there are so many books that you might get tired and not find what you're looking for.

But, if you go to the Web of Science, you can search for articles and studies about butterflies that scientists have written. Think of it like going to a special room in the library where all the books about butterflies are organized in a very special way.

The scientists who write these articles and studies are very smart, and they use a special language to talk about their research. Web of Science makes it easier for us to understand their language by organizing their research into different groups, so we can find the information we want more easily.

So in summary, Web of Science is like a big computer library that helps us find information about things we are interested in by organizing the research that scientists do into an easy-to-understand format.